All institutes are provided with easy to navigate and user friendly dashboard. Dashboard contains ‘at a glance’ statistics for an institution.
Dashboard provides statistics of Students, parents, teachers, classes and logged in user stats
It displays latest news for each logged in user
It also displays daily, monthly and weekly schedule that can be navigated with ease
Teacher/Staff Management
Teacher and staff management pages provide create, update, view and delete functions for respective user types.
Teachers can be added using this section and providing necessary information like name, picture, CNIC etc.
Teachers / staff users can be updated and deleted through this section
Teacher’s login details like login status and last login is available.
Teacher list can be generated in pdf.
Classes and subjects taught by the teacher can be viewed in this section.
It displays teacher’s experience, qualification and attendance information.
Teacher’s profile can be generated in pdf format.
Message can be sent to teacher through this section.
All this information is also available for the staff working in the institute.
Branch/Level Management
This section is used to manage different branches and levels of a school.
Branch information like name, address, phone etc. is displayed
School branch can be added, deleted and updated
School logo can be uploaded
Different levels of a branch are displayed
Branch level can be added, deleted and updated
Student/Parent Management
Student management pages provide create, update, view and delete functions for students.
Student can be created, deleted and updated.
It displays student information like name, class, registration number etc.
It displays student login information like usernames and passwords.
Student ID cards can be generated and printed.
Student list can be generated in excel and pdf format.
It displays student’s parent information, attendance, fee history and academics details
It can generate school leaving and enrollment certificates.
Student related documents can also be uploaded
Staff Roles
This section is used to manage staff roles for school.
Staff roles can be viewed, added, updated and deleted
Staff roles can be assigned different departments
Staff roles can be assigned different permissions for accessing modules
Class/Subject Management
This section is used to manage classes and subjects taught in school.
Grades can be created, edited and deleted
Section can be created, edited and deleted
Classes can be created, edited and deleted
It displays class information like level, class teacher, strength, status etc.
Subjects can be created, edited and deleted
It displays subject information like teacher, status, outline, classwork etc.
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Session/Batch Management
Fee Management
This section is used to manage fee related tasks
It shows the fee statistics related to school like fee paid, fee due etc.
Fee vouchers can be generated
Different types of fee particulars can be created
Fee discount and scholarships can be catered
Fee alerts through sms and notifications are available
Fine settings are available
Bank accounts can be used to pay the fee
Fee collection report can be generated in pdf format
Online Fee Payment
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Online Fee Payment
Finance Manager
This section is used to manage finance related tasks
Assets category can be created, updated and deleted
Expense category can be created, updated and deleted
Finance assets can be created, updated and deleted
Finance expenses can be created, updated and deleted
Income and expense report can be generated in pdf and excel format
Monthly profit and Tax can be calculated
SMS Integration
Sms are sent to users by ILMversity on different occasions to keep them updated about students and school activities
Attendance, test, homework, exam, fee and news can generate sms to update user
Sms report is generated to show the history of sms
Sms generation can be scheduled
Sms can be sent to single or multiple users at a time.
Admin/Teacher/Staff Portal
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Admin/Teacher/Staff Portal
Student / Parent / Teacher Portal
Our Student/Parent/Teacher Portal bring students, teachers and parents on same page, while bridging the gap between them, creating an efficient communication level among them. It is efficient enough to access all of them with an easy and equivalent approach. The simplistic design and contemporary features of Ilmversity Portal provide information, results, latest news and notifications with just a single click that seem hard to find elsewhere.
Cloud Based School Management System
Ilmversity’s mobile application aids to connect the school with the students and parents for keeping them alert about the latest happening at school. The application provides reports and notification in real time to the students and their parents. School is interconnected with the help of mobile app with their students and teachers. Our multiplatform cloud-based school management software is bridging the gap between school and parents. Now parents can check their child’s performance, reports and monitor activities from anywhere or any platform.
Our mobile application is available both on the android and apple play store for Free to download. Check out our branded cloud-based app on the app store. Personalized and customized mobile application with school name branding is also available.
Android & IOS Mobile Apps
Yearly Schedule
This section is used to create an overall study plan for the whole year
Yearly schedule can be used to create timeline for public holidays and exams.
Yearly schedule can be added, edited and deleted
Yearly schedule can be displayed on a calendar
These functionalities are also available for daily schedule
Daily Time Table
This section is used to generate time table for each class and teacher
Daily schedule can be created, edited and deleted
Daily schedule can be displayed on a calendar in weekly format
Daily schedule report can be generated in pdf report
Class rooms can be managed
Daily schedule can be displayed with respect to class or teacher
Smart Attendance System
Attendance can be marked using biometric system
Bio-metric attendance is available to avoid cheating and maintain transparency
Attendance timing is also recorded to calculate user punctuality
News / Notice Board
This section is used to send news to users
Picture and video can be attached with news
News can be delivered through sms and notification
News delivery can be scheduled
News can be delivered to specific users if it is only intended for them
News history is also available for users
Smart Notification System
This section is used for notification management
Notifications can be sent for news, fee, homework, test, exam, attendance, birthday etc.
Notification content can be edited
Notification delivery can be scheduled
Notification history is maintained
“Tip of the day” notification can be sent to parents
Email Integration
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Email Integration
Integrated Messaging System
ILMversity sends messages to its users on different occasions
Sms can be sent for news, fee, homework, test, exam, attendance, birthday etc.
Sms content can be edited
Sms delivery can be scheduled
Sms history is also maintained
Sms can also be delivered in bulk
School has the option to select sms service of their own choice
Sports Management
This section is used to manage sports related tasks
Different sports can be created, updated and deleted
Student can be added and removed from a sport
Departments Management
This section is used to manage communication between different departments.
Departments can be created, edited and deleted
Messages can be sent to specific departments
Messages can also be filtered with respect to department
Labels / Houses
This section is used to manage communication between different departments.
Departments can be created, edited and deleted
Messages can be sent to specific departments
Messages can also be filtered with respect to department
Labels / Houses
Letters & Certficates
This section is used to manage communication between different departments.
Departments can be created, edited and deleted
Messages can be sent to specific departments
Messages can also be filtered with respect to department
Letters & Certficates
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Students Remarks Management
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Student Doc Management
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Alumni Management
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Birthday Management
HR / Payroll Management
This section is used to manage tasks related to human resource department
Different payrolls can be created, updated and deleted
Payrolls are assigned to teachers and staff
Salary record of all the teachers and staff is kept
Salary slip can be generated, deleted and printed
Payslip notification and sms can be sent
Fine can be adjusted in payslip
System Reports
This section contains the notification and sms record
All the notifications and sms sent to users are archived in this section
Notification and sms creation timing is also mentioned
Number of recipients of the sms can also be viewed
Gallery is associated with every event. It is part of extra-curricular activities.
An event can be created, updated and deleted
Photos can be uploaded and deleted from the gallery of an event
Online Classes / Video Lectures
Online classes and video lectures are one evidence of technology that revolutionized the conventional way of teaching into a more automated ecosystem. Ilmversity’s School Management System offers live classes that can be attended from a remote distance. Lectures can be recorded and uploaded, and can be accessed at any time. It further makes the life of teaching staff easier by ensuring them the close monitoring of their students anywhere around the world during live
Homework / Assignment / Online Quiz
Ilmversity School Management System primarily makes the learning process of students easy by offering them an automated mechanism for the completion of their homework, assignments and quizzes. Students can access assigned work from home by adopting our software services. Results, outcomes and grading of assignments and online quizzes can be updated along with notifying students through SMS as the best part of our software.
Test Management
This section is used to evaluate students through conducting tests
Test can be created, updated and deleted
Sms and notification can be sent on creation and result announcement of the test.
Test can be converted into quiz containing multiple choice questions
Marks can be assigned to students
Test report can be generated in pdf format
Test result can be updated by teacher
Exam Management
This section is used to evaluate students through conducting exams
Exam grades and exam types can be created for better evaluation
Exam can be created, updated and deleted
Sms and notification can be sent on creation and result announcement of the exam.
Marks can be assigned to students
Exam report card can be generated for every student
Exam report card settings can be changed
Exam results can be updated/changed by teacher
Exam schedule can be created and updated
Exam entry card can be generated
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Exam Schedule/Date Sheet
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Exam Report Card
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Exam Entrance Card
Online Quiz System
This module is used to create online quiz for student evaluation
Result of the quiz is provided by the application
Time allowed for the quiz can be set by the teacher
Questions can be shuffled by the application
Difficulty level can be added in the system
Number of options can be set for multiple choice questions
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Syllabus Management
Subject Outline/Planner
Subject outline and class work manager help teachers in their tasks
Subject can be broken down into outline topics
Weightage is given to outline
Number of days and their dates are assigned to outline
Today’s outline, covered topics and incomplete outline can be viewed
Outline can be published as classwork
Outline can be displayed on calendar
Outline can be updated
Today’s classwork and completed classwork is displayed
Session/Batch Management
This section is used to manage students’ parents
Parent can be added, updated and deleted
It displays parent information like CNIC, contact number, number of children etc
It displays account information like username, password, login status, last login, login pdf report etc.
It displays parent email address, age, registration date and residential address
It displays students belonging to that parent
Class Work Management
Graphical Performance Reports
Graphical reports can be generated to evaluate student’s performance
Graphical reports can be generated for homework, test, exam and overall performance
Performance reports contain statistics like class lowest, highest and average percentages
Overall performance report is generated by giving weightage to exam, test and homework
Performance report can also be generated in pdf format
PDF Performance Reports
This module generates performance reports in pdf format
Pdf performance report is available with respect to subject and section
Test, exam and homework reports are also available in pdf formats
Grade analysis report can be generated in pdf format
ID Card Designing/Printing
This section is used to create identification cards for the students
Student ID card can be created, updated and printed
The content and layout of the card can be designed
Image/Picture can be uploaded on both sides of the card
School logo can be placed on the card
Accounts Management
This section is used for account management
Different account types can be created and deleted
Different accounts are defined with code, name, tax rate and school branch to which they belong
Bills can be added, approved and paid
Invoices can be added, approved and paid
Manual journals can be added and posted
Profit and loss report can be generated in pdf and excel format
Balance sheet report can be generated in pdf and excel format
General ledger report can be generated in pdf and excel format
Trial balance report can be generated in pdf and excel format
Online Enquiry Form
Intelligent Timetable Generator
Ilmversity can generate timetable for classes
This module takes number of classes, lecture duration and break timings as input and generates the timetable of a class.
Bio Metric System
This module is used for sale and purchase of items
Item categories can be defined
Store items can be created and updated
Invoices can be created, updated and printed
Purchase orders and goods receipts can be created and updated
Stock report can be generated and printed in pdf format
Royalty Management for Franchise System
This section is used to manage communication between different departments.
Departments can be created, edited and deleted
Messages can be sent to specific departments
Messages can also be filtered with respect to department
Royalty Management for Franchise System
Website CMS
This module is used to manage school website
School website pages can be created and updated
Different sections of the page can be created and updated
School logo can be uploaded
Template for the website can be selected
Custom style sheets are also available
Blog Manager
This section is used to manage school blogs
Blog categories can be created
Blog posts can be created, updated and deleted
Comments are published on the posts after approval
Banned words are stated to avoid the use of abusive language
Data Upload in Bulk
Data required by the application can be uploaded through CSV excel files