How Preparatory school Islamabad modernizes its system and improves timely payment of fees.
Preparatory School Islamabad (PSI) is a privately owned, co-educational English medium school established in 1990. Today, more than 100 teachers are working for the 600+ children studying at the school. PSI started as an elementary and primary school but now they have the following levels:
- Elementary Level
- Primary Level
- Middle Level
- Secondary Level
The program at PSI seeks to assist the growth of children in the following areas:
- Communication, Language, and Literacy
- Personal, Social, and Emotional Development
- Mathematical Development
- Knowledge and Understanding of the World
- Creative Development
- Physical Development

Learning in PSI is carried on in a caring, friendly and disciplined atmosphere, giving children the opportunity for optimum growth according to their particular gifts and talents. The ultimate objective is to turn out wholesome personalities with a sound academic base and an appreciation of our core values.

PSI has a tradition of sporting excellence and continues to provide opportunities for involvement in sports and competition at every level. From a broad foundation in the arts to the pursuit of excellence in their chosen areas of interest, the students develop their imagination and creativity for life.
However, the staff at school was already using software for PSI but wasn’t satisfied and were looking for something more diverse and had more options. They want the all-in-one type of thing where they can manage students, maintain a yearly schedule, and collect fee payments online to save their time.
The Preparatory school Islamabad opted for Ilmversity after going through its features. They have been using it now for more than 2 years and are satisfied with what they are using.
For PSI the most essential features are :
- Financial
- Academics
- Administrative
With financial features, they can take a record of all their expenditures, and fees. They were also using some conventional SMS services to connect with parents, also the teacher-parent connection was not regular. The most time taking task of the management team is to preserve records of all receipts and it takes a lot of time to go through all the previous records.
Maintaining the daily and yearly schedules in the timetable through Ilmversity. Parents can see the results of their child individually or the child’s progress in overall class. These reports can also be seen in graphical representation mode. Teachers are also able to enter marks for tests, assignments, quizzes etc.
Last but not the least, PSI specifically opts for the Online fee payment feature through the fee module of Ilmversity as Online fee payment facilitates in various ways as parents can pay the fee from their homes. They can submit the fee via the Bank portal, Bank Mobile App, ATM, Easy Paisa, Jazz Cash, TCS, etc.
Recovery of School fees gets better with timely collection of fees. This not only helps students but also parents as they don’t have to visit the bank every time for a fee deposit. Paying the fee online can reduce the effort and save time for parents and schools. With the instant payment of fees, parents get instant notifications in the mobile application.
Schools can view the daily fee collection report with one click which shows how much is collected today and which is unpaid. Also, the manual work of entering a record, listing each individual, and then preserving it will lessen.
Many schools that have hired accountants for this task reduce their number as this can be managed single-handedly. As vouchers are generated with a single click, parents get a notification in email, and then they will submit it. When the payment is submitted it will automatically show in the system. Schools can create awareness in different ways such as reminding parents through SMS, sending flyers through vouchers, etc.
These all help preparatory school Islamabad in maximizing their utility by doing smart work instead of hard work.
“ Ilmversity is a very user-friendly application. Ilmversity has so many things to offer to students, parents, and school staff i.e. you can upload videos, generate reports, and post homework online. The parents have been given access so they can be in regular contact with teachers regarding their children’s education. The admin side of the ILMVERSITY as well is really good if it’s the fee module or the financial one or the student module. The management is quite supportive as well. We are really satisfied with what they offer also constantly new updates have been provided on regular basis”
Muhammad Hassan IT Head