Importance of parental support and its effects on student’s growth and achievements

October 8, 2019 in General

Importance of parental support and its effects on student’s growth and achievements

The essentiality of a school is to give education to the students. This is a place where children learn a different skill which further helps them in deciding and then building their career goals. Knowledge and skills vary from academics to social e.g. Mathematics, reading, science, social ethics, etc.

According to the above-mentioned facts, it is always the school that is responsible for the education and skill development of the students. But that’s not the case always. Different research data proves that the atmosphere provided at home and involvement of parents play an important role in the growth and accomplishment of the children.

Learning at the early stage

For every Children, the process of initial learning casually starts at home. It’s always the parent’s responsibility to teach their Children skills, moral values and the required tendencies towards daily life. This cognitive factor is very critical as it helps the children to cope with the issues they face when they grow up and step into practical life.

Lack of these learnings in the early stages of life, or in the case of parents not showing enough attention to the social issues their children can face. This carelessness of parents leads to a problem that children find it difficult to fit into the social environment of the school. If parents focus on such crucial issues it will result in good performance of kids both socially and academically.

Sharing of educational goals and aspirations

As the children start attending school, parents start developing a lot of educational expectations and aspirations for their children’s academic development. Research has proved many times that the educational success of students linked to the aspirations they share with their parents. The sharing of educational aspirations and goals between parents and their children plays an important role and serve as a motivation for the students.

Improvement in a learning mindset

Children who receive support from their parents develop an appropriate mindset and self-discipline at school. On the other hand, those parents who don’t bother to engage in the education of their kids often promote failures. Students who have supportive parents are more likely to enjoy school. Parent’s involvement leads to a positive attitude in children’s personality towards school.

Improvement in the rate of academic success 

Involvement in children’s educations leads to a better understanding of the school curriculum. If they are more aware of their children’s education standards then they can play their role in further improvement of the quality of education their children are receiving.

Steps needed to be taken for further improvement 

  • Read loudly to your kindergartener every night so that he/she can develop an interest in reading books.
  • While selecting a school for your child, choose a school with a school management software like ILMVERSITY which allows monitoring of your child on fingertips and let you communicate with both class teacher and school administration.
  • Compliment your child’s efforts in the classroom.
  • Make sure that you have regular discussions at home about the successes and failures in school.
  • Make sure you attend all parent-teacher meetings.

Make sure that school is a priority over other things.